Making History in Cairo

Christ for all Nations concluded a historic year in 2024 with an extraordinary moment—Evangelist Daniel Kolenda proclaiming the Gospel in Cairo, Egypt.

Film Explores the Intersection of Miracles and Suffering

Abba Heart Films announces the release of its new transformative documentary, SHOW ME YOUR GLORY, coming to theaters May 2025.

Groups Empower Women in Ministry

Inspire Women and Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) are joining forces to tackle one of the most pressing challenges in ministry: the underrepresentation of women in key roles in ministry.

‘I AM LIVING PROOF’ Documentary Offers Hope, Evidence of Divine Healing

MMM Films, Ezekiel 12 Productions and Iconic Events Releasing announce the release date and debut the trailer of their newest film, I AM LIVING PROOF, featuring beloved evangelist Mario Murillo.

Adventurer Bear Grylls Debuts New TBN Series

Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) proudly announces the debut of the groundbreaking new series, Jesus: Refugee, Renegade, Redeemer with Bear Grylls, which premiered Friday, January 17 starting at 8 PM ET on TBN and TBN+.

Frostbite Evangelism in ‘Coldest Place On Earth’

It’s called “frostbite evangelism” in what is officially the coldest inhabited place on earth.

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