Chicago Pastor Claims Mayor Sent Police ‘Like the Soviet-Styled KGB’ to His Church Sunday

A pastor in Chicago said he was in the middle of delivering a sermon when armed police officers began banging on the doors of his sanctuary.

Poll Shows Vast Number of US Families Might Keep Kids at Home Now

The nationwide lockdowns may lead to a bigger shift in the way American families do school. A new RealClear Opinion Research poll of 2,122 registered voters reveals a big increase in parents who might keep homeschooling their children after the pandemic ends, and many more support having educational choices.

The New Jesus Revolution has Begun and it’s Being Filmed

America has had four religious revivals in its history. The last one being “The Jesus Revolution of 1970’s.”

Calif. Pastors to Hold News Conference to Announce Churches Reopening

Pastors representing over 3,000 California churches and around 2.5 million people will hold a News Conference on Thursday, May 7, at 1:00 p.m. in San Bernardino County to Announce Churches Reopening.

Controversial Novel Rocks Church World

Canaan Land, a controversial new novel by Richard Rossi, has rocked the church world with its expose of fraudulent healing techniques by televangelists who take advantage of followers in times of world crisis.

Group Sees Explosive Growth in Digital Evangelism

Christian Vision (CV), a charity that has focused on online digital evangelism for the past ten years, has seen explosive growth in the take up of their digital media. They are supporting churches with FREE digital content for use in their digital mission.

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