“The Bible doesn’t say prophecies come true,” claims Dr. Joel M. Hoffman, a Bible scholar who focuses on translation. He blames the misunderstanding on a widespread translation mistake, summarizing his work in a Huffington Post piece entitled, “The Surprising Truth Behind Biblical Prophecies.”
It’s unfortunate that the last 12 books of the Old Testament are tagged the “minor” prophets. The term was coined because these writings are short, not because they are unimportant.
The Chicago Bible Society (CBS), which is as old as the city itself, will air for the first time ever a TV special about its unique ministry to the Windy City and, through new media, the world.
The place of the Bible in public schools has been debated since the 1963 Supreme Court ruling in the consolidated cases of Abington School District v. Schempp and Murray v. Curlett.
With fewer and fewer domain names available, American Bible Society will facilitate the addition of countless Web addresses by releasing the .BIBLE top-level domain (TLD), making the message of the Bible even more accessible to people in a way that best fits their digital lives.
During 16 years of excavating Tel Rehov in the Jordan Valley, archaeologists uncovered a 3,000-year-old, well-planned city. They also found a unique building that might have been the house of Elisha the prophet.
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