I first began to understand the importance of teams as a seminary student when I did a study of the 100 largest churches in the United States. I asked them a series of questions related to staff and ministry, and the study showed strong churches have a strong team spirit.
These churches created a strong team spirit by combining two things: a common goal with good communication.
Have you noticed “the rise of the Nones” in your community?
I have ridden the two horses of business and ministry simultaneously for the past 40 years. While I have not always executed my responsibilities perfectly on both horses, the ride has never been less than interesting, to say the least.
Change is coming to American megachurches—those behemoths for believers that now dot the religious landscape.
Formula One racecar drivers are trained to look where they want their cars to go. The professional driver is acutely aware of the wall, other cars and any special environmental factors.
It began as an innocuous Twitter survey. But then it blew up.
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