Prayer Trainer’s Network Offered at Prayer Conferences

Alive Ministries: Project Pray will offer a pre-conference focused on the Prayer Trainer’s Network at each upcoming Regional Prayer Conference.

6 Easy Ways to Eat Healthier

If you’re trying to improve your diet, whether it’s to lose weight or simply get healthier, you can be overwhelmed with information and advice—sometimes to the point that you give up before you even get started. But choosing a healthier diet doesn’t have to be complicated.

Moms, Your Child May Be a Future Pillar of the Church

Before I became a parent, I was pretty sure that training and disciplining a child would be easy. My child would do A, I would calmly respond with a well-thought-out and right-on-target B, and I would get result C—cheerful obedience or successful completion of the task. For the more stubborn issues, the process might repeat itself once or twice.

Basketball Stars’ Trick Shots Raise Funds for Poor Kids

When members of the basketball trick group How Ridiculous broke the Guinness World Record for the highest basketball shot this past September, they did it wearing T-shirts supporting Compassion International, a Christian child advocacy ministry working with children in extreme poverty.