Spiritual Cooperation Agreement Announced with Bulgaria Church of God

In a formal declaration in a ceremony held earlier this week at the Church of God International Offices in Cleveland, Tennessee, Dr. Timothy M. Hill, General Director of Church of God World Missions, officially signed a document entitled a “Mutual Acknowledgement of Spiritual Cooperation” with the leadership of the Bulgaria Church of God.

Group Calls for Policy Changes to Protect Christians, Minorities in the Middle East

In testimony before the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organization, Carl Anderson, CEO and Chairman of the Board of the Knights of Columbus today provided four policy recommendations to address the on-going crisis of Christian and other religious minorities in Syria and Iraq.

Kingdom Economics: Lemons to Lemonade

The November employment report was generally stronger than expected. From October, total payrolls were up 211,000 while private payrolls were up 197,000. Both payroll numbers were higher than pre-report estimates but lower than last month’s strong report.

Strong Churches Work Like a Healthy Team

I first began to understand the importance of teams as a seminary student when I did a study of the 100 largest churches in the United States. I asked them a series of questions related to staff and ministry, and the study showed strong churches have a strong team spirit.
These churches created a strong team spirit by combining two things: a common goal with good communication.