Operation Compassion Continues Hurricane Matthew Relief Work

The storm has passed but the destructive results are still being realized from Hurricane Matthew, which left five U.S. states devastated and the country of Haiti crippled. Some are saying the destruction rivals that of Hurricane Katrina but in many ways, it is worse. Bodies are still being found and the water in North Carolina is still rising.

Five Qualities to Seek in the Heart of a Leader

Someone asked me recently what I primarily look for in the hiring of a staff position. I said, without reservation, first and foremost, I look for the heart. I want a heart that honors Christ more than self, one that desires to grow and learn, and one which is willing to sacrifice personal privilege for the benevolent purpose of others.

Churches Prepare for This Year’s Sunday Christmas

With Christmas and New Year’s Day both falling on a Sunday this year, churches are anticipating big challenges: will fewer volunteers be available? how to maximize attendance possibilities? how best to do outreach? how to manage year-end giving in light of two holiday weekends?

Books & Culture Ends 21-Year Run

The November/December 2016 issue of the bimonthly review Books & Culture will be its last after a run of 128 issues over 21 years. Earlier this month, the ministry of Christianity Today made the difficult decision to end the beloved publication.