Housing Allowance Decision Not Appealed to U.S. Supreme Court

Cleveland, TN–In another surprising move, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has decided not to seek United States Supreme Court review of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals’ March 15, 2019 unanimous decision, holding that the ministerial housing allowance did not violate the U.S. Constitution.

Why The Send’s 2020 Gathering Will Not Be Held in the United States

The Send will hold its 2020 gathering at Morumbi Stadium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on February 8. The decision was arrived at after seeing the enthusiastic response by Brazilian attendees at the Orlando event earlier this year, according to leaders interviewed for a behind-the-scenes video.

Promise Keepers’ CEO: ‘We’re Going to War With Satan’

With American society drowning in a sea of pornography and murdered unborn children, Promise Keepers is calling on all godly men to go on the attack against the enemy.