Hill Appointed to White House Council

On April 15, Dr. Timothy M. Hill, General Overseer of the Church of God, was notified by the White House that he had been appointed by President Donald J. Trump to serve on the President’s Interfaith Advisory Council.

Activist Refuses to Give Up Quest to Destroy Christian Baker

Christian baker Jack Phillips endured years of legal battles and finally won his First Amendment case against the Colorado Civil Rights Commission in the US Supreme Court back in 2018. One would have thought after all that his legal troubles were over.

In This Time of Social Distancing, Call Your Friends

I have a friend in Virginia—I’ll call him “Kevin”—who is struggling with depression. He lost his job because his company isn’t an “essential” business. A part-time pastor, Kevin had big dreams about growing his young church, but now he’s struggling to connect with his congregation through social media and online broadcasts.