Hill Releases ‘Reflections of a Leadership Journey’

Cleveland, TN—Church of God General Overseer Tim Hill recently compiled a group of writings from his “Let’s Talk About It” discussion journal, entitling the collection “Reflections of a Leadership Journey.”

CfaN Plans Mass Crusades Across Uganda

Christ for All Nations This week, Christ for All Nations (CfaN), led by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, embarks on an unprecedented evangelistic mission across Uganda. In a historic initiative, CfaN will conduct 15 mass crusades, each spanning 4 to 5 nights, totaling 70 nights of crusades. This monumental series aims to transform lives and spread a message of hope across the nation.

ISIS Kills 80 Christians in Democratic Republic of Congo

ISIS has claimed responsibility for recent attacks in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) that resulted in the death of more than 80 Christians and the closure of several churches in the nation.

Distinguished Educator Award Winners Named

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, the Church of God Division of Education will hold the International Educators Luncheon during the 79th International General Assembly. The luncheon is a time to celebrate education around the world and present awards to notable educators.

United States Space Force Hymn to be Sung Across America July 4, 2024

Churches and military chapels across the nation are experiencing a surge in their expressions of patriotism at this time of the year, due to recent celebrations of Memorial Day and preparations for the 4th of July.

Ministry Challenges the Church to ‘Stand Firm in the Cultural Tornado’

A Texas-based ministry claims core biblical values are being eroded in the most unlikely places — America’s pulpits and pews.

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