Contend for the Faith Summit Conducted

Cleveland, TN–Two groups of Church of God leaders recently came together for a summit entitled, “Contend for the Faith.” The Christian Apologetics Task Force and Doctrine and Polity Committee are two groups of ministers, educators, and scholars that have dealt with doctrinal, faith, and, cultural issues, seeking Biblical answers through research and prayer.

Record Number of Organizations Recognized for Best Christian Workplaces

Best Christian Workplaces has honored 280 faith-based organizations and Christian-owned businesses as Certified Best Christian Workplaces in 2024.

How Positively Impacting 20% of Prisoners Can Change an Entire Prison Culture

Prison Fellowship International (PFI), the world’s largest network of Christian ministries working in the criminal justice field, has released a groundbreaking white paper, “Reaching a Tipping Point of Transformation in the Prisons of the World.”