Bible College in Sudan Is Bombed

The Heiban Bible College, a pastor training school constructed and dedicated by Samaritan’s Purse in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, was bombed by the Sudanese Air Force on Wednesday afternoon. Two buildings were destroyed.

This is the latest attack in South Kordofan State, where the Bible college is located. At least four churches built by Samaritan’s Purse have been destroyed since August by bombing or burning, including Angolo Church on January 10.

“We are deeply concerned for the welfare and lives of the people of South Kordofan, and we condemn the bombing of churches and Christian facilities,” Samaritan’s Purse President Franklin Graham said.

Across the border in the newly independent nation of South Sudan, Samaritan’s Purse began working in Yida refugee camp in August 2011 after hearing reports of thousands of refugees from the Nuba Mountains, where they were subjected to aerial bombardments and ground attacks from their own government.

A total of 28,500 individuals have been registered in Yida camp, where we are helping with food, nutrition, and clean water.

Please pray for the people in South Kordofan State affected by the ongoing violence, and for our relief work in South Sudan as we bring help in the Name of Christ.

(Source: Samaritan’s Purse)

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