Young People Seek Jesus

Recently, Crossroads International Church and the European Theological Seminary, associated with the Church of God, helped the German Youth Board host the Wake Up Youth Conference. General director for the youth ministry, Tom Madden, was one of the featured speakers.

The altars filled as young people were saved, healed, and filled with the Holy Spirit. Our hearts were filled with joy as we witnessed our former and present students assume leadership positions during the conference. Some were in the worship teams, others worked the technical equipment, and the majority of the speakers were our very own ETS students. We love each of them dearly, and count it a privilege to have a small part in their preparation for ministry. This would not have been possible without your prayers and financial support.

Benson and Cathy Vaughan
Missionary Educators – ETS
Project Number 065-0138

© 2012 Church of God World Missions

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