David Arthur Assumes Role of CEO at Precept Ministries International

Precept Ministries International announced a transition in key management roles today as founders, Jack and Kay Arthur, although continuing in their other duties, officially step down in their roles as Co-CEOs of the ministry. David Arthur, Jack & Kay’s son, will assume the role of CEO. This announcement will not come as a surprise to friends of the ministry; David’s succession has been part of a 5-year business plan since 2008. David’s desire is to faithfully continue building on the solid foundation God laid using his parents over the past 41 years to establish people in God’s Word.

During the past several years, David has been groomed to assume the role of CEO when God’s perfect timing for the transition became clear to the ministry’s Leadership. Precept’s Board of Directors and Executive Director and COO Tom Hall have been working deliberately to prepare David and believe God will use him to guide Precept into a bright future. David will continue with Precept’s mission to establish people in God’s Word through Precept’s innovative and highly effective Inductive Bible Study Method. Jack and Kay believe the best days for Precept Ministries lie ahead.

Both Kay and Jack plan to continue their other roles. Jack was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and Kay desires to minister to her beloved husband during this time. To view a video message from Kay and David Arthur, please visit Precept.org/PassingtheBaton.

Jack and Kay Arthur founded Precept Ministries International in 1970. Precept achieves its mission of establishing people in God’s Word by training millions of men, women, teens and children around the world to discover Truth for themselves using the Precept Inductive Bible Study Method. Internationally beloved Bible teacher and author, Kay Arthur, is featured on “Precepts for Life” Bible teaching program airing on television, radio and online; has written more than one hundred books and Bible studies; and has been awarded the Gold Medallion Award four times. Kay holds an honorary Doctorate by Tennessee Temple University. In 2011, Kay was inducted into the National Religious Broadcasters Hall of Fame. The Ministry hosts Bible Training Workshops, Bible Studies, Bible study tours to Israel and Bible-centered conferences. Precept ministers in 70 languages and nearly 150 countries establishing people in God’s Word. For additional information, visit www.Precept.org.

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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