What’s Right With the Church – Part 1

Church of God World Missions General Director Tim Hill offers a perspective.

By Tim Hill

How often have you heard someone ask, “What’s wrong with the church?” I dare say you’ve heard that question more times than you can count. Well, I can answer it now, and set the record straight once and for all.

What’s wrong with the church? Short answer—I’m in it. Before you get over-confident in yourself, let me add this—You’re in it too.

The church is made up of a bunch of humans, plagued by human frailties, faults, and failures. There will always be plenty of “wrong” with the church as long as the human element exists.

On the other hand, what is “wrong” with it, is also “right” about it.

Where else could we, imperfect sinners saved by grace, go and find acceptance?

Where else could we, who are blind, maimed, and unworthy, go and find shelter?

Where else could we who are empty, struggling, and alone, find comfort and friendship?

When Jesus said He would build His church, He knew that the material of choice would be weak and faulty, but He also knew redemption would make it all useable. He got no prize when He got me, but His blood made me worthy, and His grace made me acceptable. Now I’m a part of His family.

Sure, there’s plenty wrong with the church, just as there’s plenty wrong with the bank, the hospital, and the supermarket. But the right far outweighs the wrong.

What makes the difference? A little thing called “Grace.”

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