Emma’s Kids Resident Overcomes Odds to Fly Planes

Church of God Missionaries Rodger and Saundra Wikelund founded Emma’s Kids in Zambia many years ago and have since seen miraculous testimonies of deliverance from the children who come under their care. Saundra shares one recent inspirational story.

By Saundra Wikelund

I recently saw the hand of God in one of our Emma’s Kids lives, Collins Mwenda, who graduated from Aircraft Mechanical Engineering in 2012. He is exceptionally intelligent and has worked diligently in school since coming into the ministry. It was challenging to assist Collins in engineering school, but our God provided through a widow in her 90′s.

Collins came to Emma’s Kids over 14 years ago. He was on the street waiting to be picked into this ministry, as he desired and dreamed about attending school and getting an education. His family is poor.

Collins had been stoned, and his legs were highly infected. As a nurse, I noticed his open wounds. He followed me home; his legs were cleaned and bandaged. Collins was given an antibiotic and he was prayed over. He was just a small boy. In the following days, there was noticeable healing.

I believe his legs may have been stoned so he could be picked from the streets. Collins still carries the scars from those wounds; a reminder of what God did for him.

Collins was blessed to attend aircraft mechanical engineering training in Lusaka. He was exposed to a high level of cheating there, but was determined not to fail his God.

Flying Missions, where small planes fly into the bush and also take medical supplies where needed, became interested in Collins. Mr. Bolthouse, the engineer from Flying Missions, has been touched by Collins’ testimony and his capabilities. Collins will be under Flying Missions, but will be used for experience elsewhere.

It has not been easy here sometimes, but I thank God for allowing me to be a part of His plan in Zambia, and for assisting young men like Collins.

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