Voices of Lee Perform at Festival in Shanghai

Lee University’s 15-member a capella ensemble Voices of Lee performed at Music In the Summer Air (MISA), an international music festival held in Shanghai, China.

Voices of Lee (click on photo to enlarge)

Voices of Lee received an invitation this spring to share the stage with musical artists from around the world at this annual festival. During their 10-day trip, Voices spent a few days in Beijing, sang for 700 high school students from Taiwan, and performed several numbers at MISA on Monday, July 14, including “Man in the Mirror,” “Auld Lang Syne” (in Chinese) and “The Lord’s Prayer.”

Voices’ arrangement of “Stand By Me” was selected to be performed by all of the MISA musical guests and led by Danny Murray, director of Voices of Lee. Pictured are members of the Voices of Lee, flanked by Dr. William R. Green (left), Dean of Lee University’s School of Music, and Murray (right) with his wife Dr. Debbie Murray, Lee University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs.

(Source: Lee University)

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