Prayers Being Answered in Japan
Japan is a nation of 126 million people with only one percent claiming Christ as Lord and Savior. Seeds of faith have been sown, tears have been shed, prayers have been prayed, and now belief arises in God’s timing for a great harvest of souls. Those sincere and earnest prayers are being answered.
By Brian Raff
Pastor Nozomu and his church decided to purchase a seven-story building near the Chiba Train Station. God performed several miracles in the process, and the bank gave them a one million dollar loan with 25 years to pay back at 1.25 percent interest.
Pastor Matsumoto and his church decided to move to another location, because they’ve outgrown their current space. The former pastor and his family are now in a restricted country as missionaries, but the church is moving forward to expand God’s Kingdom. The new place is twice the size, but the price is the same. Glory to God!
Pastor Tabata of the Yokohama Church of God is miraculously recovering from lung cancer. This church is the first Church of God congregation in Japan, established by L.E. Heil, now deceased, who raised funds from American churches to lay the foundation.
Thank God for what He is accomplishing through our Japanese brethren. Please continue to remember Japan in prayer, and for the leadership as they labor for souls.
(Source: Church of God World Missions)