Operation Compassion Partners to Build Home in South Carolina
In early October, 2015, a series of storms created some of the worst flooding ever experienced in South Carolina. For several weeks, Operation Compassion delivered semi-trucks loaded with disaster relief supplies that included bottled water, food, blankets, hygiene and cleaning buckets, to mention only a few.
Operation Compassion is an independent benevolent organization with roots in the Church of God.
Now, that almost six months has passed, families are trying to put their homes back together or have to rebuild from total destruction. One such family lost everything, Furman and Diane Tanner of Johnsonville, S.C. They went to bed one night knowing that flood warnings were out but they had never experienced any high water in their home. About 3 a.m., Furman woke up and realized there were about four inches of water in their bedroom. As Diane awoke, they began to try to salvage as many personal items as they could. At some point they realized they needed to protect their lives so they abandoned their salvage efforts to seek higher ground.
Because of the catastrophic damage to their home, the Tanner’s were selected to have their home razed and a new home built in its place. Operation Compassion’s partner, God’s Pit Crew has been spearheading this project and the building is progressing. In a few short weeks, Furman and Diane Tanner will be moving in to their new home courtesy of God’s Pit Crew, Operation Compassion and financial donors.
This project for the Tanner’s is possible because of funds left in God’s Pit Crew disaster account by Operation Compassion. The disaster fund has now been depleted. You can help by becoming a financial partner for disaster relief by giving today.
Online Donations: www.operationcompassion.org (givedirect button). Call donations to: 423.728.3932 or mail donations to:Operation Compassion, 114 Stuart Road, NE Suite 370, Cleveland, TN 37312.