Gospel for Asia Helps Provide Education to At-Risk Children
Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope Program has opened a new center in Mumbai, where sponsored children receive education, school supplies, a daily meal, medical checkups and more.
“Many families often struggle to earn enough money to provide food for their table each day, let alone earn enough to send their children to school. As a result, boys and girls across Asia often grow up illiterate and uneducated,” said K.P. Yohannan, founder and international director of GFA. “Through Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope program, children are given the opportunity to receive an education and daily nourishment, as well as learn the incredible truth that they are loved by the God of the universe.”
Around 300 people, including children and their parents, participated in the opening ceremony, which began with a prayer. The group was asked to pray for the center’s initial 99 students, that God might grant them each a bright future.
The Mumbai center is the latest to open of the nearly 600 Bridge of Hope centers that operate in four Asian countries. In 2015, more than 75,000 children participated in the Bridge of Hope program, receiving a basic education and other staples including health care and food.
“I have two children, and both of them are speech impaired,” said one parent at the dedication. “We struggle to provide all the needs of our children. Today, I am so happy to know that the project will provide the educational needs of my children, and I am sure that they will have a blessed future through Bridge [of] Hope.”
“Many brothers and sisters have contributed both their prayers and their support to help give these precious children a better life,” said Yohannan. “These children experience the compassion of Christ every day, and through their lives being impacted, their families also come to see Christ and His love firsthand.”
GOSPEL FOR ASIA has – for more than 30 years – provided humanitarian assistance and spiritual hope to millions across Asia, especially among those who have yet to hear the Good News.
(Source: Christian Newswire)