Full Size Replica of Noah’s Ark to Sail to Brazil

The Ark of Noah Foundation in Pasadena has entered into a strategic collaboration with the owner of the full size replica of the Ark of Noah to move the Ark to the cities of Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Noah’s Ark will be in Fortaleza for the 2016 Olympic Games and Rio de Janeiro for the Paralympic summer games. The Ark is a massive replica that is interactive, informative, cultural Biblical event center. Noah’s Ark provides a Judeo-Christian, Bible based experience for young and old.

Once in Brazil the Ark will be using techniques that include virtual and augmented reality to tell original different biblical themes and stories in an interactive and challenging way. Brazil has a total population of over 190 million people who are 28% Protestant and 60% Catholic.

The builder of the Ark, Johan Huibers, is extremely excited to see that one of his visions gets realized. In his autobiography “The Unsinkable Dream” the builder speaks about his dream in which he sees the “Ark” in the port of Rio de Janeiro.

The Ark of Noah Foundation together with its partners are actively involved in financing the entire project. The US crowd funding campaign starts now, private investors and international donors will be approached shortly as well.

Noah’s Ark opened its doors in July 2012 for the general public and has been on display for four years already. This construction has the real dimensions of the Ark mentioned in the Bible; about 95 feet wide, 75.5 feet high and 410 feet long and weighs about 2500 tons.

It is envisioned to use the proceeds of the use of the Ark of Noah in Brazil to build Ark of Hope centers throughout the country. These centers will provide social, educational and practical support to the underprivileged people in Brazil.

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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