Calling and Ministry Studies Announces Strong Enrollment
The 2015—2016 term of Calling and Ministry Studies (CAMS) had a final enrollment 676, a figure that represents the number of applicants participating in the program, while the number of states/regions participating was 36, along with Bahamas and Eastern Canada.
In Calling and Ministry Studies, a School of Ministry program sponsored through the Church of God Division of Education, the applicants explore where God is calling them in ministry.
“For many, this process determines they are called to clergy ministry, while for others, they discover that God is calling them to lay ministry,” stated Michael Baker, president of the Pentecostal Theological Seminary and chancellor of education in the Church of God.
Dr. David Ramirez, third assistant general overseer and divisional director to the Division of Education echoed Baker’s remarks and said, “Both callings are valuable in expanding the kingdom of God and building the church.”
The exploration is guided by the state/regional CAMS coordinator through three seminars that explain the calling and ministry. In addition, the applicants complete three School of Ministry courses that give them insight into ministry and themselves. The applicants write papers about their calling and view of ministry that are then summarized by their identifying where they believe God is calling them in ministry. If individuals believe they are called to clergy ministry and the state leadership concurs, they proceed to take the exhorter credential exam.
Calling and Ministry Studies is part of the initial phase of the ministerial credentialing process. When individuals are considering going into ministry, the process includes consulting their pastor to secure a New Minister, Calling and Ministry Studies, Exhorter, Minister of Music, or Minister of Christian Education application from their respective administrative bishop. The application is completed and submitted to the administrative bishop, and then the applicant is informed about acceptance into CAMS.
Calling and Ministry Studies is part of the Division of Education and the global education initiative to send people into the world harvest.