World Missions Partners with YWEA
For many years, the youth of the Church of God, tens of thousands of students, have joined with their youth leaders and pastors throughout the Church of God denomination to impact the world for Christ through YWEA (Youth World Evangelism Action).
The concept of one large annual project began in 1961 with the building of a church in Brasilia, Brazil. Over the years, young people walked, jogged, rocked, washed, and merchandized their way to raise millions of dollars for the projects. In the YWEA process, young people also learn something of missions and prayer, and active concern for others. Even as local economies at times may have been sluggish, giving in recent years has gone steadily upward.
Technology has changed in providing online giving through smartphones, etc., and fundraising methods have evolved into giveaways of iPads. The one thing constant, though, is Church of God youth still overwhelmingly respond en masse to the direction of the Holy Spirit and to the passionate cry of people in need.
After many generations, the joint venture between Church of God World Missions and International Youth and Discipleship teams continues to inspire a new wave of students to experience and engage multiple cultures across the globe. The partnership is a healthy and effective one. Students can reach the world half a globe away through YWEA.
Youth and Discipleship considers the partnership and relationship with World Missions to be one of its highest priorities, and most significant in allowing students an opportunity to engage in the global harvest.
YWEA proves what can happen when young people work together in unity toward a common goal. Today’s generation is determined as any to live out the Great Commission!
Check out for more information.
(Source: Church of God World Missions)