EDITORIAL EVANGÉLICA Joins with Ministry of Publications
A recommendation to reposition Editorial Evangélica with Church of God Ministry of Publications (Publishing House, Pathway Press, Dockins Printing) was recently sent to the International Executive Committee by the Board of Directors of Editorial Evangélica.
In a subsequent action, the International Executive Committee approved the recommendation and the process to realign Editorial Evangélica to Church of God publications will begin in the next few months. The goal is to have the repositioning completed by September 1, 2018.
As an all-inclusive response to the need of providing literary resources in Spanish for Latin America and Spanish-speaking churches in the USA that were added to the Church of God in the mid-1940’s, Editorial Evangélica was started with the underlying support of Church of God World Missions.
Since then, Editorial Evangélica has been faithfully fulfilling its mission to develop and distribute printed resources in Spanish in the USA, Canada, Europe and Latin America. All Church of God publications in Spanish are currently facilitated by Editorial Evangélica.
“Church of God World Missions is a proud supporter of Editorial Evangélica,” stated Dr. David Griffis, Director of World Missions, during a brief visit to Editorial Evangélica’s Board of Directors meeting. “World Missions believes in the ministry of Editorial Evangélica and will continue supporting its mission and vision. This has been a longstanding relationship and it serves a significant segment of the Church of God.”
Having heard of the Executive Committee’s approval of the recommendation, Dr. David Munguía Z., administrative bishop of East Central Hispanic Region and president of Editorial Evangelica’s Board of Directors stated that, “the potential for more and better production and distribution of Sunday School curriculum and other vital resources in Spanish has been
augmented significantly with this initiative.”
“This is the beginning of a great enterprise and considerable synergy to expand the Church of God’s commitment to proclaim the gospel with printed materials throughout the world in Spanish and hopefully other languages like Portuguese and French,” said Dr. Otoniel Collins, Field Director of Latin America.
In a teleconference conducted by Munguía, Editorial Evangélica’s liaison to the International Executive Committee, Dr. J. David Stephens, Assistant General Overseer, affirmed that the repositioning of Editorial Evangélica will lead to the expansion of the Ministry of Publications.
“Editorial Evangelica’s history, legacy, and mission will continue to be endorsed, protected and perpetuated,” Stephens stated.
The purchasing of products and resources from Editorial Evangélica will be fulfilled at its present location at the International Offices. Dr. Wayne Dority, Director of Publications, and David Ray, Chief Operating Officer, acknowledged that Editorial Evangélica’s customers will continue to receive the services they are accustomed to with no interruptions as the process of relocating Editorial Evangélica to the Ministry of Publications takes place.
The Ministry of Publications has a strategic expansion plan that includes the production and distribution of resources in various languages to support all the ministries of the Church of God in the USA and every corner of the world as missionaries, pastors and leaders carry out their call to fulfill the Great Commission.
Please plan to visit the Pathway Bookstore exhibit area at the 77th International General Assembly, July 30-August 3, 2018 in Orlando, Florida. This will be a great opportunity to meet the Ministry of Publications’ team and review and purchase any of the hundreds of products from Editorial Evangélica and Pathway Press.