Christ’s Mandate for Missions Raising Funds
CMM thanks our partners who helped us send thousands of dollars weekly the last two months to help feed starving brethren in many nations in Africa and Asia. CMM works closely with known, trusted, indigenous missionaries in 70 nations. We have known many of these dear friends for years in India, Nigeria and Pakistan are facing added persecution, even threats of no food, water and medicine if they don’t renounce Jesus Christ as Lord. This is tragic! We invite you to pray and intercede for our Brethren globally in the Body of Christ.
Check out our website at to learn more. Sign up for our free newsletter while there.
CMM is a 501c3 founded in 1978. CMM has sent over $60 million in gifts in kind of humanitarian aid in the last 20 years. We have boots on the ground in many closed nations unfriendly to the Gospel and see many souls saved and discipled in many nations. We also help with disaster relief, provide wells and hygiene training along with community development, care for widows and orphans along with evangelism, church planting, helping stop human trafficking and more.
CMM College of Theology ( offers Christian accredited degrees globally online in English and Spanish.
Please pray about sending a special gift today to feed the hungry day laborers in CMM Churches in other nations. If you want to support our efforts feeding the poor in the USA please designate your gift for ‘FeedPoorInUSA.’
Help us to share the love of Jesus and reach many more with the miracle of salvation during this time of hunger and despair. Matt. 25:35-40
(SOURCE: CMM World via Christian Newswire)