#WePrayCOG Launching October Prayer Emphasis This week
Cleveland, TN—A special outdoor gathering in the prayer garden at the Church of God International Offices will kick off a month-long prayer observance for the Church of God.
The Thursday, October 1 event will begin at 11:15 a.m. EST and involve the staff at the International Offices for a 45-minute launch of the initiative. It will be broadcast via Facebook Live (@COGHQ) and include special music, guests, and prayer.
Set for October 1-31, 2020, the prayer emphasis is not intended for one specific focus, but to call attention to the current happenings, trends, and coming events in the U.S. and around the world. Members of the Church of God Executive Committee and Prayer Coordinator Doug Small will lead a short daily devotional at noon EST every day during the month of October.
The schedule going forward and the leader in charge of the noon devotionals will be as follows: October 2-4 – Tim Hill; October 5-18 – Doug Small; October 19-21 – Raymond Culpepper; October 22-24 – J. David Stephens; October 25 – Doug Small; October 26-28 – David Ramirez; October 29-31 – John Childers.
“We never reach a point in our spiritual journey when we have prayed enough,” stated General Overseer Tim Hill. “Scripture addresses prayer hundreds of times, and it is this connection to the Father that gives us the assurance that He is in control, no matter what is happening now or to come.”
#weprayCOG was launched last year at this time as a 40-week emphasis toward prayer for the General Assembly, which was to take place on July 21-24, 2020. When the COVID-19 pandemic brought significant changes, including the postponement of the Assembly to 2022, #weprayCOG continued albeit with an altered emphasis.