Division of Education Announces ‘Advance’ Summit
The Church of God Division of Education (DOE) has announced a free online event, Advance, designed to highlight continual, lifelong learning on March 23, 2021 at 830 p.m.
Organizers of Advance said the event will feature influential leaders and accredited speakers to inform listeners on the benefits and importance associated with lifelong learning. The speakers will also equip listeners with strategies and tips to aid them in their educational journey.
Nearly a dozen speakers are scheduled and include General Overseer Tim Hill, Dr. David Ramirez, assistant general overseer and executive liaison to the DOE, Leadership Coach Sam Chand, Dr. Fred Garmon, executive director of LeaderLabs, and Lee University Provost Dr. Debbie Murray.
“Adopting a mindset of continual learning is crucial if we are to develop and grow––whether it be in our relationships, our jobs, or simply our hobbies,” Ramirez said. “If we are not intentional about learning, we will not see growth. We need to push to get out of the learning rut and advance!”
All who register for Advance will receive the newly-released book, Still Off Base About Race free of charge. Author Dr. Michael Reynolds broaches the questions, “Why is the issue of race such a difficult matter to talk about? And “why is racial justice so difficult to achieve?” Reynolds will enable readers to take a look from a pastor’s perspective at the hardships and pain African Americans have suffered (and are currently suffering) in our nation.
To see a full list of speakers and their bios, and to register for this free online event, visit advanceonlinesummit.com.