GOD TV Set to Take Thousands to Israel for the Nation’s 60th Birthday

Global Christian broadcaster, GOD TV, is planning a mammoth tour which will see thousands of Christians from different countries visit Israel next May for the holiday of a life-time, as they celebrate her 60th Anniversary as a modern nation.

Israel is presently experiencing a tourism boom and May is an ideal month and a great season to visit the country. Hosted by GOD TV founders, Rory & Wendy Alec, the tour will comprise of many smaller groups catering for the individual, as well as a number of special events where the entire tour group can come together. Tour members can also choose from four different itineraries including a youth adventure option.

With several different regional offices participating, GOD TV has already received bookings from all over the USA, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australasia and 3,000 beds have been booked in Jerusalem for the tour which takes place from 8-16 May, 2008. Seats have also been reserved on several flights to take all the pilgrims to Israel.

GOD TV has taken many tour groups to Israel before, but this one is unique due to its historic timing and a major 60th Anniversary event is being planned for tour members at the famous Sultan’s Pool in Jerusalem, which will be broadcast worldwide. This will include many high profile guests.

“The re-gathering of the Jewish people to their Promised Land and the establishment of the modern State of Israel in 1948 were a major fulfillment of Bible prophecy.” GOD TV chief executive, Rory Alec said. “This shows how faithful God is to keep His promises to us as believers today, as well as to His ancient people. Now sixty years on, we are privileged to be able to celebrate this monumental milestone with the Jewish people.”

As the only TV Channel ever to transmit from Jerusalem, GOD TV enjoys a unique relationship with the nation of Israel and the network and its partners are committed to better understanding Christianity’s Jewish roots and fostering ties between all the peoples of the Middle East, as they fulfill the Biblical command to pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.

“Prayer will be an integral part of our time in Israel,” said GOD TV network controller, Wendy Alec, “in fact we are delighted to announce that two leading prayer events will now be included, TheCall Jerusalem and The Global Day of Prayer, adding further incentives for people to participate in this extraordinary tour.”

Well known for stadium gatherings in different cities across the USA, TheCall aims to bring believers together for a radical time of prayer and fasting and TheCall Jerusalem will be no different. Hosted by Lou Engle at the Givat Ram stadium facing the Knesset, this event will be held on May 11th and televised internationally as part of the wider Global Day of Prayer on GOD TV. Thousands of GOD TV’s anticipated tour members together with believers in Israel will be able to attend this event in person.

The Global Day of Prayer headed by Graham Power is an annual event held on Pentecost Day each year in different countries across the globe and is broadcast LIVE on GOD TV. Rory & Wendy Alec will be back this year to host the televised version of this event from Jerusalem, with crossings to different stadiums across the different time zones including Givat Ram.

“GOD TV’s 2008 Israel Tour is an opportunity not to be missed,” said tour co-ordinator and GOD TV executive director, Bo Sander. With all the wonderful things God has in store for this week it will also be an incredible holiday visiting all the Biblical sites in the beautiful land of Israel. “We have four great holiday packages to suit every tour member including one for first time visitors, another for those who have visited Israel before, an add-on Jordan option and an exciting youth adventure option which features scuba diving in the Red Sea and a cutting edge youth concert at Masada.

“Whatever package tour members choose, they are guaranteed a wonderful holiday as they experience the land and the different cultures of the Middle East. Not only will this be a fun holiday, but also a profound spiritual experience. Spaces are limited and several hundred people have already booked so we are encouraging all interested parties to make their reservations as soon as possible by calling their GOD TV regional office. Tour brochures are also available for download at www.god.tv/israel2008 where bookings can also be made online.”

One of the world’s fastest-growing faith-based media organizations in the world – GOD TV – was founded in the UK in 1995 by Christian media pioneers Rory & Wendy Alec. Today the network beams a broad spectrum of international programming free-to-air from its global broadcast center in Israel. The only TV Channel to transmit from Jerusalem to the nations of the world, GOD TV’s powerful signal is carried via multiple satellites into 153 million connected television homes. This means that over half a billion people have GOD TV connected to their homes 24 hours-per-day. GOD TV maintains studios in the UK, USA and Israel, as well as regional offices in England, Germany, Denmark; South Africa, India, Hong Kong and Florida. The network’s central office is situated in Washington, DC. GOD TV also finances upliftment projects in developing countries through its charity arm, Angel Aid.


(Source: Christian Newswire)

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