States Pass Historic School Chaplaincy Bill

With the passage of Senate Bill SB123, Louisiana has become the third state to enact a bill that provides for chaplaincy in schools, ahead of the passing of HB334.

The “School Chaplaincy Bill” is to be adopted and signed by Louisiana Gov. Jeff Landry. State Sen. Mark Abraham, R-Lake Charles, and Rep. Beryl Amedee, R-District 51, championed these bills for school chaplaincy, a proven role in alleviating tension, resolving conflict and bringing hope to school faculty and students.

“Chaplaincy fills a huge gap in support for individuals suffering from trauma and ongoing anxiety,” said Johnny Davis, chief development officer with the National School Chaplain Association. “School chaplains are not just front-line staff but also key contributors to the school district’s success. They convey hope and purpose, vitally important aspects of chaplaincy that are proven to create safer and more peaceful learning environments.”

Recent U.S. data reveals the highest-ever levels of anxiety, depression and hopelessness among students, with educators suffering burnout at staggering rates.
School chaplains meet the needs of four groups:

1. Educators who struggle with tension, anxiety and burnout.
2. School administrators who struggle with keeping teachers staffed.
3. Children who deal with anxiety, depression and hopelessness.
4. Parents and guardians who need emotional support and trauma care.

5. NSCA is the world’s largest provider of certified school chaplains. To develop its certification program, NSCA utilized the highest standards available, combining background checks, pastoral endorsement, specialized university training and auxiliary safety training.
6. NSCA’s international program results continue to be a leading factor in U.S.-based school chaplaincy bills. Data from the U.S. military further substantiates the effectiveness of chaplaincy, with studies from leading behavioral health professionals included in the U.A. Army Chaplain’s Initiative.

(Source: Charisma Online)

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