New Book Helps Churches and Ministries in Crisis

In light of the recent highly publicized stories involving leaders like Ravi Zacharias and Bill Hybels, Phil Cooke’s new book, “Church on Trial: How to Protect Your Congregation, Mission, and Reputation During a Crisis,” offers critical help for churches and nonprofits to avoid a crisis – and if one does happen – respond appropriately and positively. Drawing on decades of experience in crisis management, Cooke’s “Church on Trial” provides practical advice for navigating crises of a sexual, financial, abusive, or criminal nature and is available for presale now at, with a release date of July 1, 2024 through Avail Publishing.

“It’s not IF we’ll have a crisis, it’s WHEN,” states Phil Cooke. With statistics showing that 27% of church members leave their faith because of leadership scandals, Cooke explains the seriousness of the problem, “We’re losing more than a quarter of our congregations because of moral, financial, and other unethical behavior within our churches.”

Endorsed by prominent ministry and denominational leaders, Kevin Ezell, president of the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board, comments, “Phil Cooke has put excellent, practical insights into this book that will help you and your team be prepared ahead of time to navigate crises well.”

Mark Forrester, senior director of public relations and communications for the Assembly of God USA shares, “Phil Cooke combines years of practical experience with deep insight into current and emerging cultural and technological trends… a go-to manual on hand for the time when you need it most.”

“Church on Trial” helps churches facing a leader’s moral failure, employee embezzlement, predators, cancel culture, or other 21st-century challenges. Topics include best practices to avoid a crisis, the first thing to do when a crisis hits, how to safeguard a church’s reputation before it crashes, the one thing you should never do in a crisis, and how to get in front of a crisis with the truth. Throughout, Cooke encourages integrity and transparency as the key for churches and nonprofits to protect their ministries and organizations in today’s digital age.

“Every church and ministry leader – including elders, board members, and senior staff, needs to read this book,” states Cooke. “A crisis does not have to break your church. Rather, it can be an opportunity to strengthen your church to weather the storms.”

“Church on Trial” is now available for presale orders through The Influence Lab. For more information about the book, visit
About Phil Cooke – Media Producer / Writer / Speaker / Coach
Phil Cooke, PhD, is co-founder and CEO of Cooke Media Group in Los Angeles and the nonprofit The Influence Lab. Find out more at

(SOURCE: Cooke Media Group via Christian Newswire)

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