Hill Calls for 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting

On the heels of a 15-day call to prayer in May, General Overseer Tim Hill has issued a final call to prayer, but to include an emphasis on fasting for the upcoming Church of God General Assembly to be held July 8-12, 2024, in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Felt led to continue the campaign, Hill has proclaimed this time of consecration be based on the scripture from Exodus 33:18: “Then Moses said, ‘Now show me your glory.’”

“I believe it speaks to mission; I believe it speaks to vision,” Hill said of the official agenda, which was released on June 3, 2024. “This agenda is very important. I ask every ordained bishop to prepare your heart and mind for the discussion and deliberation. I request of every minister and layperson to pray for a covering of wisdom and guidance among the General Council. I believe the Lord will use every item in this agenda to give direction for the future days of the Church of God.”

The 21-day prayer and fasting focus begins on June 10 and will conclude on June 30, 2024, just a week before the start of the Assembly.

“There’s no plan, no sign up, no assignment each day,” Hill said. “Just a simple challenge and call for prayer and fasting to every individual as they feel impressed to do so.”

Hill invites participants to contact him with their commitment to participate along with any prayer requests through the email at generaloverseer@churchofgod.org.

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