Ramirez Selected for Assistant Director of World Missions

Indianapolis, IN–In a development that was both unexpected and historic, Dr. David E. Ramirez was nominated to serve as the Assistant Director of World Missions during Tuesday’s General Council session. Dr. Ramirez was concluding his eight-year term as the Third Assistant General Overseer, the longest time any leader has occupied that position in Church of God history.

David Ramirez accepts the nomination from the General Council (click photo to enlarge)

The vote came about when sitting Assistant Director Dr. John D. Childers resigned his position to accept an offer from newly nominated General Overseer Gary Lewis to become Executive Director of Global Communications for the Church of God. Dr. Childers’ decision announced to the General Council as a privileged statement opened the assistant director post for a vote and allowed Ramirez to make history as the first Latino and foreign national to be elected to World Missions office since Victor Pagan.

“Gloria a Dios,” Dr. Ramirez said, giving glory to God in his native Spanish tongue when he first stepped to the podium. “This wonderful church that we belong to has given me every opportunity in my life to do any kind of ministry I felt God was calling me to do,” Ramirez said. “I feel so humbled because there is no limitation, no matter where you are from or what language you speak, to the doors that God can open for you.”

Ramirez brings a wealth of global ministry experience to the World Missions Department, which is headed by Director M. Thomas Propes. A native of Chile, he has been a seminary founder and president in Argentina and Ecuador, Field Director to South America and Latin America Director with Church of God World Missions. He was the first Latino elected to the International Executive Committee, taking office in 2016.

Dr. Childers was elected Assistant Director of World Missions in 2022. Between 2016 and 2022 was Secretary General on the International Executive Committee.

“Our newly nominated general Overseer has asked me to serve the church in a new capacity,” Dr. Childers told the General Council. “Over the last hour or so, I have heard his vision and his hopes for the future of this great church that now has members in over 192 countries around the world.”

“I have been honored to serve with Dr. Propes and I know that whoever you elect will carry on the great work around the globe of Church of God World Missions,” Childers concluded. “Thank you for the opportunity to continue to serve this great church.”

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