General Assembly Updates Added to Website

Cleveland, TN—Updates related to the recently-concluded 79th International General Assembly have been added to the Church of God’s official website,

The updates include appointments to countries and territories around the world, and the addition of boards and committees to the official “Elections and Appointments” list. The updated elements are part of a revamped landing page of General Assembly items traditionally referenced following the biennial event which concluded July 12, 2024.

The original eight-page Elections and Appointments document was released following the closing service of the Assembly. The contents included elections and appointments to the International Offices and state and regional overseers in the United States and Canada. The release also came with a QR code where delegates could access the list via a smart device.

Meeting this week, the Church of God Executive Committee finalized most of the boards and committees as well as World Missions appointments. The list includes directors for educational institutions such as Lee University and Pentecostal Theological Seminary, boards for departmental and agency ministries, both in-house and affiliated organizations, and task forces for various emphases.

An official release of the Agenda items adopted following the gathering of the full General Assembly on July 12 will be released next week. The document will include a full list of confirmed leadership elections, and eleven items adopted by the General Assembly. They include details of the newly reestablished Ministry of Evangelism, adopted statements on Biblical Sexuality and Doctrinal Fidelity, Instructions for Ministers, amended qualifications and duties for state overseers, and guidelines for the responsible use of social media/digital platforms. The Adopted Items will be posted in Spanish as well.

In addition to the above items, the General Assembly follow-up site also contains the eight resolutions adopted, the original General Council Agenda, a pdf of the 20-page “In Memoriam” document listing deceased ministers honored during the Assembly, and pdf/downloadable versions of the five issues of General Assembly TODAY, the convention news daily distributed Monday through Friday of the Assembly. Direct links to nightly services and other events through Church of God Facebook and YouTube channels are also provided on the page.

The posted lists of boards and committees, appointments, and other information on the site is subject to further updates and will be amended as warranted. Access to the updated information can be found by visiting and clicking on the Post-Assembly graphic.

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