Ministry to the Military Conducts Summer Camps in Europe

For decades, the Church of God’s Ministry to the Military (MTTM) has provided summer camp opportunities for the children and teenagers of American military personnel stationed in Europe.

For families who are stationed abroad on a tour of duty, finding quality Christian ministry and opportunities for their children can be challenging. Most children and youth in the USA have access to a Christian summer camp in their area, state or region. However, this formative ministry is not as accessible for military families on foreign shores.

During the month of June, the MTTM youth and families department – Jacob’s Generation – held camps for middle and high school students at a castle in the Austrian Alps. The dynamic 6-day, 5-night camps were based on the beatitudes with the theme, “Upside Down Kingdom.” A total of 122 students and leaders from eight European nations and the USA congregated to learn about the Kingdom of God, experience dynamic worship and preaching, and to hear the gospel unfiltered and unashamed. The week was filled with sports, games, crafts and fun but, most importantly, a total of 32 students accepted Christ for the first time and many others were set free and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The ministry is led by ministers Brian and Jennie Humann.

Following the camps for teenagers was the Kids’ Camp, held in Piancavallo, the Dolomite mountains of Northern Italy. Pastors Ryan and Angie Miller lead Freedom Kids from their military church in Aviano, Italy. Fifty-one school-age children and leaders spent the week exploring the truths of God’s word through a science-based theme: Faith Lab. Two children were saved, and everyone was touched by God’s truth and love.

The Church of God Ministry to the Military is devoted to taking the gospel to U.S. service members and their families, wherever they are deployed around the globe. A special thank you to everyone who supported these ministry endeavors.

To learn more or to partner in reaching our service men and women and their children, visit

—Submitted by Rev. Jennifer Humann, Director of Family and Youth Ministries for Church of God Ministry to the Military

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