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Ken Hill Appointed Director of Center for African Descent Studies

Cleveland, TN—The Church of God International Executive Committee, in partnership with the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, has appointed Dr. Kenneth L. Hill as Director of African Descent Studies under the Division of World Evangelization.

The Center for African Descent Studies (CADS) is an initiative dedicated to deepening the understanding and promotion of African descent history, theology, and its powerful global impact on Evangelicalism. CADS is housed at the Seminary where courses are offered for students to obtain certificates in African Descent Renewal Studies. The fall semester at PTS has begun and the leadership shift has been implemented with attention upon student enrollment and expansion of the certificate level program.

Following a thorough review of CADS accomplishments to date and projection for future development, PTS President Michael Baker recommended the appointment of Hill, whose most recent leadership post was administrative bishop for the Church of God in Southern New England. The appointment would include additional responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Committee.

According to President Baker, Dr. Hill has been significantly involved in the establishment of CADS and, “is a superb choice as director because of his personal commitment to Church of God African Descent Studies, his formidable connection to African Descent stakeholders, demonstration of worthy leadership skills, and dedication to strengthen African Descent leaders in the Church of God.”

Dr. Mark Williams, Assistant General Overseer for the Church of God, will serve as liaison to the Center for African Descent Studies. He praised outgoing director of CADS, Dr. Clifton Clarke, stating, “Dr. Clarke has led the Center with excellence as its inaugural director. The Executive Committee offers its utmost confidence and blessing on his next ministry assignment.”

Williams went on to say that Dr. Hill’s heart and experience in leadership, “is a natural fit for CADS and we are blessed that he will be leading this initiative. We look forward to his passion and influence in continuing the remarkable history of African Descent ministry.”