Fall Issue of Engage Released

Cleveland, TN– The Fall 2024 issue of Church of God Engage journal has been released digitally at cogengage.org.

This is the first issue under the leadership of General Overseer Gary Lewis and the newly elected Executive Committee consisting of Tony Stewart, Wayne Dority, Mark Williams, and Tom Madden.

This latest issue, released on Monday, September 30, features full coverage of the recent Church of God General Assembly, including reports on leaders elected and the official list of items voted on and adopted.

There is a feature on the recently launched Gospel Multiplication Network, an initiative of the Ministry of Evangelism, which was reinstated at the Assembly. There is also an article titled “Connecting Credentialed Women,” reporting on the progress of this important group of women who possess credentials in the Church of God.

Under the Money Matters column, President and CEO of the Benefits Board Art Rhodes addresses how local churches need to address new overtime rules for staff, while Church of God Legal Counsel Dennis Watkins speaks to the complicated and changing world of local church insurance.

Published three times a year, Engage is emailed directly to ministers, pastors, staff and leaders in the Church of God. It is also available to anyone through logging into the website. On the site, the publication may be viewed in PDF format. There are also several years of archived copies of the publication.

Engage offers Church of God news, practical ministry ideas, recommendations, and resources, as well as items for the local church. In addition, advertisements throughout the publication are provided by the departments and ministries of the Church of God and include live links to websites of advertisers.

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