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Space Force Hymn Debuts on Veterans Day

On Monday, November 11, 2024, just three days after the publishing of ‘Space Force Hymn Lifts Prayer to the Heavens,’ in ‘Christianity Today,’ the United States Space Force Hymn (Creator of the Universe) debuted at the National Veterans Day Program 2024 in Coffeyville, Kansas. The stunning performance by vocalist Carolyn Loffer filled the American Legion’s packed hall as the attendees joined in by singing it.

Coffeyville is the proud “Home of the United States Space Force Hymn.” Oral Roberts University played a significant role in the historic affair by providing world renowned Old Testament scholar William Lyons, Ph.D., as the keynote speaker. A world class expert in Phoenician, Ugaritic, Chaldean, Syriac, Hebrew, and many more Near Eastern biblical languages, Dr. Lyons, who has a son with the rank of Major as an Air Force pilot, tied his Old Testament speech in with Veterans’ Day and the lyrics of the Space Force Hymn.

So it was fitting that he introduced the first military hymn to be written in 105 years to a stunned audience. The emcee, former Army Chaplain, Captain Jason Sperling, Southern Baptist by religion, introduced renowned vocalist Carolyn Loffer. She brought the house down with her stunning performance, with Captain Sperling at her side with the American flag draped between them. It was a site to hear and behold.

Kansas State Representative Ron Bryce, M.D., introduced Dr. Lyons to deliver the address, both of whom, with Carolyn’s help, drew the crowd. Other participants included Rabbi Joshua Othniel, Rev. Leslie Brooks, Rev. Chyrel Feltner, Nelson Riley (Curator of Dalton Village and Museum), Brent and Magada Craven, Chaplain, Lieutenant Colonel Matt Friese, USAF, Dorcas Sutton who represented the Women’s Republican Party of Montgomery County, Kansas, Gloria Leyda, and the author of the Space Force Hymn, James F. Linzey, who served honorably as an Air Force Captain and as a Major in the United States Army.

Linzey’s forthcoming book titled ‘The United States Space Force Hymn (Creator of the Universe): The Hymns and Poetry of James F. Linzey,’ will be released tentatively by Christmas 2024.

James F. Linzey, after serving honorably as an Air Force Officer for over 12 years, became the first full time chaplain of the Leader’s Training Course under the US Army Cadet Command at Fort Knox, Kentucky. During this tour of duty, he was commissioned to write one of the four institutional military prayers in all of US military history: The Leader’s Training Course Prayer.

(SOURCE: Christian Newswire)