Groups Merge to Advance Case for Creation

Coral Ridge Ministries (CRM) is stepping aggressively into the creation/evolution debate as it welcomes the Creation Studies Institute (CSI) into the media outreach founded by the late D. James Kennedy (1930-2007), the founding pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale.

“I am thrilled that CSI is merging with CRM to make the biblical and scientific case for creation,” said Dr. Robert J. Pacienza, CRM President and CEO. “This new partnership is deeply needed. A generation ago, Dr. D. James Kennedy, a mentor and friend to Tom DeRosa and myself, declared: ‘Every peg upon which evolution has stood is collapsing and crumbling about it today.’

“But despite its missing evidentiary basis, evolution still has a steel grip on science, education, the media, popular culture, and even the law. By combining forces, we’ll do so much more to make the case for Genesis, expose the fallacies and dark consequences of evolution, and present the exquisite wonders of God’s creative handiwork. Partnering with CSI, we’ll use our nationwide outreach to expose Darwin’s lies and showcase creation truth recorded in scripture and documented by science.”

Founded in 1988 by Tom DeRosa, a former evolutionist and atheist who came to Christ through the ministry of Dr. Kennedy, CSI brings vast expertise to the human origins debate. Led by DeRosa, the author of Evolution’s Fatal Fruit, CSI offers creation education through conferences, seminars, hands-on fossil and bone exhibits, fossil exploration outings, and more.

“It’s a great honor and privilege to team with my friend Dr. Rob Pacienza and CRM to present the case for creation,” said DeRosa. “CSI’s ultimate mission,” he added, “is to win the lost to their Creator and help Christians grow stronger in their faith.”

DeRosa first attended Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in 1978, just days after he professed faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. “Sitting on a wooden pew in a packed sanctuary,” he recalls, “I heard Dr. D. James Kennedy preach on creation. I was blown away to hear the biblical and scientific case for creation. And I wanted to learn more.”

He spent the next decade studying creation science while teaching chemistry from a creation perspective at Westminster Academy, the K-12 school affiliated with Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. In 1988, with Dr. Kennedy’s blessing and support, “I founded Creation Studies Institute, which God has used to educate thousands of people of all ages across Florida and beyond about creation truth. I am thrilled that CSI is joining CRM to reach untold thousands more nationwide with the truth of creation and the gospel of Jesus Christ. ”

(SOURCE: Coral Ridge Ministries)

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