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Tribute to Sharon D. Vest

Category: Church of God News

On December 25, Sharon D. Vest, daughter of former General Overseer Dr. Lamar Vest, passed from this life to her eternal presence with Christ.

Open Doors Appoints Interim CEO

Category: Ministries and Organizations

Open Doors, which for more than 65 years has supported persecuted Christians worldwide and awakened the global church to “strengthen what remains,” has appointed Lisa Pearce as Interim CEO of the U.S. national base.

New Book: God’s Faithfulness Through Health, Family, and Career

Category: Ministry Resources

Despite the devastation of bankruptcy and being diagnosed with a crippling disease, author Jeanie Williams powerfully inspires readers with heartfelt honesty and joy as she shares how these challenges led her to deepen her faith in Jesus, build a successful business and bring hope to thousands of people.

Church of God Re-Releases Statement on Same Sex Marriage Bill

Category: Church of God News

On November 29, the United States Senate passed legislation called the “Respect for Marriage Act,” which, among its contents, called for the protection of same-sex marriage. The vote was characterized as a landmark bipartisan vote. The legislation has since passed the U.S. House of Representatives and was signed into law yesterday, December 14, 2022, by President Biden. Offers Protection for Families

Category: Ministries and Organizations

Moms and dads disappointed in President Biden’s decision to disrespect God’s design for marriage are getting high-tech help this holiday season protecting their children from growing deception online.

‘Best Christian Workplaces’ Announces New Website, Expanded Services

Category: Ministries and Organizations

Best Christian Workplaces is excited to announce expanded services, a brand refresh, and the launch of a new website —

Consider Making a Difference by Giving to Christ’s Birthday Offering

Category: Church of God News

Cleveland, TN—Church of God World Missions is again coordinating the effort to promote and receive the annual Christ’s Birthday Offering.

New Book from Former Legislator Provides Path for American Renewal

Category: Ministry Resources

The Hon. Sam Rohrer has launched a new book: “America’s Roadmap to Renewal: The Answer to Past Prayers and the Hope for the Future.”

Upward Sports Launches Baseball, Softball

Category: Ministries and Organizations

Upward Sports, the faith-based sports programming organization, today announced the launch of baseball and softball as league offerings.

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