Category: Church of God News
The Church of God Department of Youth and Discipleship is sponsoring Kid Mission Sunday to encourage children to be part of changing Latin America through simple acts of collecting pocket change.
Category: Discipleship & Evangelism
Dr. Alveda King is set to play a cameo role in the sanctity of life thriller, Glimmer, and now you can be a part of the movie-making magic, too!
Category: Church and Ministry
Parents are deeply concerned about the opening of an After School Satan Club for children at Golden Hills Elementary School in Tehachapi, California. The club planned to meet on December 5, 2022.
Category: Church of God News
Cleveland, TN—Lee University and the Church of God have partnered to institute an annual scholarship for dependents and children of ordained ministers and bishops in the Church of God.
Category: Events and Happenings
Reverend Samuel Rodriguez, Senior Pastor of New Season Church, and the President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference (NHCLC), the world’s largest Hispanic Christian organization with 42,000 plus U.S. churches, will be co-hosting this year’s National Day of Prayer which includes the annual national broadcast, along with NDP Task Force president, Kathy Branzell.
Category: Ministries and Organizations
Christian Cinema, a Giving Company brand, today announces the addition of AFFIRM Films, AFFIRM Originals, and other Sony Pictures catalog titles to Christian Cinema.
Category: Church of God News
Cleveland, TN–On Tuesday, November 29, the United States Senate passed the Respect for Marriage Act. The vote has been characterized as a landmark bipartisan vote. The legislation will now be considered by the U.S. House of Representatives during the current “lame duck” session, and if passed, will be sent to the President to be signed into law.
Category: Events and Happenings
Fourteen years after renowned evangelist Luis Palau’s historic campaign in Argentina’s capital city of Buenos Aires, the Palau Association returned to deliver the same message of hope to a new generation of Argentines, this time led by Luis Palau’s son, Andrew Palau.
Category: Faith and Family
Audience demand for the premiere of The Chosen’s Season 3 first two episodes is driving an extension of the original five-day run in cinemas all the way through Dec. 1.