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World Missions Launches Church Planting and Revitalization Effort

Category: Church of God News

Cleveland, TN–Dr. M. Thomas Propes, Director of Church of God World Missions, and Assistant Director Dr. John D. Childers, today announced the formation of a church planting and church revitalization initiative outside the United States and Canada.

Christians Call for Unity at ‘National Prayer Altar’

Category: Events and Happenings

WASHINGTON — A Chicago pastor and his wife hosted the National Prayer Altar service last week, calling for Americans to set aside political or theological divides to unite before God as the midterm elections approach.

Presidential Inaugural Prayer Event Set for November 19

Category: Events and Happenings

People of Faith including Church and Government Leaders are invited to convene for Prayer for the destiny of the “Office of the Presidency” and the United States of America on November 19, 2022 from 10:00 – 3:00 PM at the Hilton Airport Palm Beach Florida.

Martinez to Present Azusa Lecture on Global Pentecostal Movement

Category: Church of God News

Cleveland, TN–Dr. Julie Therese Martinez will present the Seventeenth Annual Azusa Lecture on Thursday, November 10, at 7:00 p.m., in the Lee University Chapel.

Survey: Increasing number of Protestants Want Their Church ‘Politically Homogenous’

Category: Latest Trends

As voters prepare to cast their ballots for the midterm elections, a recent study says that most Protestants prefer to attend a church where the congregation’s political views align with theirs.

United Methodists Set Liberal New Direction

Category: Latest Trends

Leaders of the United Methodist Church, gathered in five locations across the country last week for jurisdictional conferences to elect new bishops to steer America’s second-largest Protestant denomination.

Smoky Mountain Children’s Home Dedicates Capital Projects

Category: Church of God News

Sevierville, TN– A special service of dedication was held recently at the Moffett Dining Hall on the campus of the Smoky Mountain Children’s Home to celebrate several capital projects and the generosity of Ron and Betty Ogle of Sevierville.

New Book Uplifts Relationships, Community Through Pickleball

Category: Discipleship & Evangelism

Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America and recently celebrities like Tom Brady, Kevin Durant, LeBron James, and Brene’ Brown have made headlines for their interest and love for the sport.

New Study: Huge Income Potential to Charities from Evangelical Prospects

Category: Latest Trends

A new study from Grey Matter Research and Infinity Concepts explores monthly partner giving among evangelical Protestants, and projects nearly $2.4 billion annually in dependable income could come from prospective monthly partners.

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