New CIMS Course Translation in Italian

The Certificate in Ministerial Studies (CIMS) courses from the Church of God School of Ministry were recently translated into Italian, a move which has the potential to reach hundreds more ministers in Italy.

Domenico Barra, left, overseer of Italy and Stefano Cannioto.

Domenico Barra, left, overseer of Italy and Stefano Cannioto.

“CIMS has proven very helpful in training ministers around the world,” said Dwain Pyeatt, Coordinator of Ministerial Development/School of Ministry. “The CIMS curriculum has been used in Africa, India, Asia, Europe, South America, Central America, and in the Caribbean. CIMS textbooks have been translated into fourteen languages, including Swahili, Russian, Spanish, Serbian, Arabic, French, German, and Dutch.”

Domenico Barra, Church of God overseer for Italy, recently translated the CIMS course Introducing the Great Themes of Scripture into Italian. To date, six CIMS courses have been translated into Italian:
Equipping People for Ministry (Equipaggiare le Persone per il Ministerio); Faith Foundations (I Fondamenti della Fede); Leading With Integrity (Guidare con Integrità); Walking in the Truth (Etica Crisitana: Camminare nella Verità); Learning the Practices of Ministry (Conoscere gli Aspetti Pratici del Mistero); and Introducing the Great Themes of Scripture (I Grandi Temi della Scritture).

Stefano Cannioto, director of Scuola Biblica Italiana (SBI) in Palermo, Sicily, is using the CIMS courses as classroom curriculum for SBI, and Overseer Barra is using the CIMS courses for extension classes in other regions of Italy.

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