Protecting Religious College Recruiters
In hopes of exposing possibly discriminatory policies against religious employers, several legal defense organizations have sent letters to 136 Texas colleges and universities.
Gregory Baylor of the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) says the problem surfaced when discriminatory policies against religious organizations were discovered at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).
“We resolved that situation with [UTSA], and we had a concern that other … public colleges and universities in the state of Texas might have similar policies,” Baylor explains.
To avoid possible legal action, the letter asks the educational institutions to examine their practices to make sure religious recruiters are not prohibited from recruitment practices and are able to utilize the benefits provided by their school’s career service centers.
“The important thing that we communicated to the universities was that the law requires this sort of equal treatment for the religious employers, whereas the law does not allow public institutions to tell religious employers that they need to abandon their identity in order to get access to this service,” the ADF legal counsel points out.
He adds that The Justice Foundation and Liberty Institute have joined ADF in sending out the letters.
(Source: OneNewsNow)