Good News Still Going Strong

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that upholds Good News Clubs’ right to meet in public school buildings after hours.

More than 3,500 Good News Clubs have been launched since the ruling on June 11, 2001. The Christian clubs for elementary-age children are sponsored by Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF), the largest Christian ministry for children in the world. That group’s human resources director, John Lock, says more than 145,000 children are being served throughout the country.

“Basically, we were granted equal access to the public schools on the same basis as any other organization,” he reports. “So if the Little League, or sports club, or whatever is using the school, CEF can use the school on the same basis.”

Through the years, the number of court cases involving discrimination against Good News Clubs has steadily decreased, as people are more aware of the ten-year-old Supreme Court ruling.

“This has been back to court a number of times, but the good thing about that is that God has given us victory every single time,” Lock tributes. “And we’re very, very grateful for the ministry of Mat Staver and Liberty Counsel. They are our advocates and our representatives, and they take care of these cases and questions for us.”

Leaders say principals are typically impressed by the ministry and claim the club’s emphasis on character building translates into better behavior during school and improved academic performance.

“The students are learning good moral behavior in a fun-filled atmosphere. This has translated into a more positive atmosphere in the school among the students,” notes Ms. Sulma Grigalunas, principal of Friedrich Jahn World Language School in Chicago, Illinois.

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